A Comprehensive Guide to IVF: Consultation, Tests, Costs, and Procedures

A Comprehensive Guide to IVF: Consultation, Tests, Costs, and Procedures


The medical procedure of IVF or In-vitro fertilisation is used to help couples dealing with infertility start their parenthood journey. This procedure has become one of the most advanced treatments facilitating infertility issues. The journey of the procedure, however, can be overwhelming for most couples with the highs and lows in their emotions.

If you are considering going through the procedure you must assess and compare IVF cost in Siliguri. To go through the process seamlessly there are other things you may need to consider. Let us discuss some of the aspects related to getting affordable IVF solutions.

What if IVF?

The IVF procedure is considered to be one of the most effective reproduction procedures which help with infertility. This treatment involves the collection of hormone induced mature eggs which are fertilised in a lab externally. The resulting embryo is then transferred to the woman's uterus which allows the pregnancy to start. IVF is often recommended when other fertility treatments have not worked or in cases where there are issues such as blocked fallopian tubes, male infertility, or unexplained infertility issues.

Pre Procedure consultancy

Consulting with an IVF specialist is the first step towards starting your IVF journey. With the ability to analyse your fertility situations the specialists provide you with the appropriate treatment solutions and create a better plan for you. During the consultancy, the IVF specialist will look into your medical history and extract essential information about any underlying health condition that may have been affecting your fertility.

Through the assessment of both the partner's fertility, the fertility specialist will be able to provide you with the best options for carrying out your IVF procedure. Further, you can discuss whether egg or sperm donation is needed to increase the potential of pregnancy and the possible use of genetic screening and embryo freezing.

Factors Owing To IVF Costs

IVF cost in Siliguri can vary due to various reasons, thus it is essential to check the various factors. Here is a list of elements which may make the IVF procedures affordable or expensive.

  • The reputation of the IVF clinic – IVF centres with high success rates and experienced IVF specialists can charge you higher than usual. However, they also provide you with top-notch treatment options making it worth the expense.
  • Type of IVF treatment – There are various types of IVF treatments such as ICSI and PDG, which can have additional costs.
  • Number of IVF cycles – Depending on the initial success rate some couples need to go through more IVF cycles than usual, this would increase the cost of the treatment.
  • Medication and hormonal treatments – IVF treatments involve the stimulation of ovaries through the use of medication which can be quite expensive. The drugs used added to the overall IVF cost affecting the price of possibly affordable IVF treatments.

Owing to these factors the range of IVF treatment cost can range from anywhere between ₹ 80.000 to ₹ 2,50,000 per cycle.

Insight Into Essential IVF Tests

Before going through the IVF procedure both partners must go through several tests to assess their fertility health, as suggested by the IVF specialist. There are separate tests for women and men. Let us understand all of these in detail.

Some of the tests for women are,

  • Ovarian Reserve test – this test allows the doctors to analyse the quality and number of a woman's eggs. This would include blood tests like FSH, AMH and ultrasound to check the ovaries.
  • Hysterosalpingography – This test helps determine if the fallopian tubes are open. At times these are found to be blocked causing fertility issues in women.
  • Ultrasound – Ultrasound tests allow doctors to analyse and identify any possible abnormalities like fibroids and polyps.
  • Endometrial Biopsy – This involves the biopsy of the uterine lining which is essential to ensure the implantation of the embryo

Tests for men would include,

  • Semen analysis – This test is important for the assessment of sperm count, mortality and morphology
  • Hormonal Test – This test allows the fertility specialists to check the levels of testosterone and other essential hormones

Some of the other additional tests would include genetic screening and infectious diseases screening to ensure that nothing genetic or infectious such as HIV and Hepatitis B affects the child.

Exploring IVF Procedures Step By Step

Once you are done with all of the tests and have been consulted with the appropriate treatment, you will be able to move for the procedure. This procedure has various steps and has its spate protocols to follow.

  • Ovarian Stimulation is the first step in the IVF process. In this, the woman is given hormonal injections to stimulate the ovaries and produce multiple eggs. This phase lasts about 10-14 days and allows the ovary to produce double the amount of eggs than usual.
  • This is followed by the Egg Retrieval phase which includes a minor surgical procedure to collect the eggs. The Ivf specialist uses a needle to collect them through the vaginal wall and the procedure usually takes about 20-30 minutes.
  • Sperm Collection takes place on the same day as the egg retrieval, where the man is asked to provide a male sample. If they face issues with sperm quality, specialists may suggest the use of donor sperm or other retrial techniques.
  • Fertilisation of the egg through the use of the embryo is done in the laboratory and it takes about 3-4 days to develop an embryo.
  • The embryo transfer process is generally painless. The embryo cultured in the lab is transferred into the uterus in this process. The woman can feel a low level of discomfort.

IVF is a highly effective infertility treatment that offers hope to many couples around the world. Understanding the consultation process, the tests required, the steps of the procedure, and the IVF cost in Siliguri can help you make informed decisions and plan your treatment journey accordingly. If you're considering IVF, consult with a fertility expert who can guide you every step of the way, ensuring that you have the best chances of success in your pursuit of parenthood.

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