IVF Treatment - The Hope Against Infertility

IVF Treatment - The Hope Against Infertility


Your fertility rates decrease as you get older but currently along with age, various lifestyle and environmental factors are also contributing to infertility. Some such factors include alcohol consumption, unhealthy eating patterns, smoking, pollution, and exposure to toxins and pesticides. It is vital for you to manage these factors and adopt healthy lifestyle habits to sustain your fertility rates. However, if you have been trying to conceive for more than a year then various advanced procedures such as IVF treatment in Siliguri can be your ray of hope against infertility.

IVF or in-vitro fertilization is a technologically advanced medical procedure that has been spreading smiles to endless infertile couples since 1978. Whether it is male or female-factor-related infertility, IVF can overcome diverse health issues to help you enjoy the happiness of parenthood. This is basically a non-conventional and artificial technique to fertilize the eggs and sperm in a controlled laboratory environment to increase the chances of a successful implantation and pregnancy.

A Brief Overview Of An IVF Cycle

If you have been diagnosed with infertility then the doctor will recommend undergoing an IVF cycle. After the initial consultation, the doctor will make your eggs ready for retrieval through various ovarian stimulation medications. Once the hCG injection is provided, the egg will be retrieved after 34 years. The retrieved eggs will then be fertilized with a collected sperm sample.

Once the eggs reach the blastocyst stage, the fertilized embryos will be transferred inside the uterus. Almost after 5 days, the doctor may direct you to visit the IVF medical center and undergo pregnancy testing to check whether the IVF cycle was successful or not.

Reasons Why IVF Is Considered The Best Infertility Treatment

  • Tackles various medical conditions

IVF is one of the most effective ART techniques that can manage both male and female infertility issues. Starting from sperm-related issues and tubal factor infertility to ovulation disorders and endometriosis, every type of reproductive concern can be tackled with this process. In some cases, unexplained infertility can also be managed with IVF.

  • Help overcome age-related infertility.

If you’re above 35 years and want to conceive then without any second thought, undergo IVF in North Bengal. Women with advanced age tend to have poor egg quality and diminished ovarian reserve. However, in IVF only one high-quality egg is retrieved for a healthy pregnancy. You can even opt for donated eggs to ensure successful fertilization.

  • Cost-effective

As compared to other available treatment options, IVF can be the most cost-effective. Herein, the cost of the procedure can highly depend on the location of the clinic and the facilities included but in the long-term, it can be quite cost-saving. Couples who have certain financial constraints can also opt for this treatment to enjoy motherhood.

  • Higher success rates

You must note that IVF is a highly successful infertility treatment that ensures a healthy baby. This treatment allows the doctor to thoroughly monitor the sperm and egg so that a healthy embryo can be created for implantation. However, always note that the age of the women is a major factor influencing success rates.

  • Reduce risks of genetic disorders.

If you or your partner has a risk of genetic disorders then the chances of passing it down to the fetus can be reduced during IVF. Pre-implantation genetic testing (PGT) is an effective procedure that is often included during the IVF cycle where any genetic abnormalities in the embryo are checked thoroughly before the embryo transfer.

The onset of technological advancements is also reflected in the field of infertility treatment, where IVF treatment in Siliguri has helped several couples overcome conception problems. As a highly successful, cost-effective, and flexible treatment option, you can easily opt for IVF to tackle infertility and get a healthy baby.

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